This hub introduces you to the top 20 common phobias in the world today. Sometimes this is all it takes, so if you feel your life needs changing then why not try it out. The most common phobias include those most people have heard of such as fear of snakes or spiders; however, the most unusual phobias can be of anything, such as fear of crossing streets or fear of reading books. This is true to some extent but there are mild forms of this phobia which many people unknowingly have. In contrast, someone with a phobia of open spaces might have to change their entire lifestyle unless they can bring their phobia under some measure of control. She also enjoys creative writing, content writing on nearly any topic, because as a lifelong learner, she loves to do research and possess a high skill level in this area. Many of these you can probably think of off the top of your head. Anyone can cure their common phobias by using hypnotherapy & self help hypnosis techniques in the form of a subliminal CD & many are now curing these phobias in only a few weeks. This is another of the major common phobias which affects many of us on a daily basis. For example, trypophobia can be triggered by holes made by insects. Agoraphobia is sometimes believed to be a fear of open spaces. It is sad how many of these I have. Whether its at the dentist or doctors surgery, we will have to face the needle sooner or later. Discover How Many People With Phobias Are Using These Right Now And Curing Their Phobias. heights doesn’t have to complicate your life. You described each fear in detail. These are the top 100 phobias in the world, with the most common ones listed from the top. Dana has extensive professional writing experience including technical and report writing, informational articles, persuasive articles, contrast and comparison, grant applications, and advertisement. :D. i think my sis got a phobia. Others can go from one woman to the next and get blown out of it and it doesn’t seem to affect them. Claustrophobia is when someone is stuck in a tight, crowded space without being able to escape from it. Try it for a few weeks before you must give your speech and you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Actually, most of us should be afraid of that. We all need to visit the hospital at some stage of our lives whether we need to be there for a relative or friend or for a personal injury or sickness & this is why this phobia makes it into our common phobias list. The fear of everything comes in at number 20 on our common phobias list. 2 7 Major Reasons You Should Try Dry January. I know quite a few of these people too, I'll see if I can find something about know-alls and add to the hub. Also, you can break the text into more paragraphs for easier reading. However this fact doesn’t seem to matter to anyone who is The problem is most common in children, but it isn’t exactly an uncommon occurrence in adults. There are many reports of people who use subliminal technology to stop anxiety and panic attacks as well as many other types of phobias with great results. In particular, interested individuals might have seen depictions of it in which someone engages in compulsive hand washing, which is one of the most famous manifestations of the phobia. However, there are some people who can stand the thought of a needle penetrating their skin that they have a panic attack. A phobia is much more serious in nature than standard fear. Click on up and down arrows to affect item's ranking Add item. The vast majority of these objects or situations are completely harmless such as the fear of feathers or fear of open spaces to name but a few. One common fear is social phobia: this fear is rooted in one’s fear of being judged or negatively perceived by other people. They may not cure your severe symptoms outright but they'll help you get started on the road to recovery. Generally speaking, a phobia is an irrational fear or avoidance of a certain object or situation. However, there are some people who have particularly strong reactions to needles, thus making them sufferers from trypanophobia. So when you look at it like this you can see how an important role failure can play in our lives, its simply an important learning aid which can shape our lives. The thing is that you can get by without this fear having a major impact on well, death, which is about as universal a fear as fears get. Aulophobia – Fear of Flutes via Trypophobia is one of those phobias that can sound ridiculous on initial consideration but becomes less so with further thought. The truth is that anyone can easily cure their fear of driving by using simple self hypnosis which they can do from the comfort of their own homes. There is some speculation that trypophobia might have biological causes because said phobia is sometimes triggered by things that should cause concern to interested individuals. ... Like most phobias… However, there are times when interested individuals might come upon herpetophobia used instead, which is a more generic fear of reptiles. If you have a fear of driving or Agoraphobia symptoms then id suggest you listen to a fear of driving subliminal and an Agoraphobia subliminal & see how it goes. Readers might also enjoy this article All Topics; A to Z ; Mental Health; Advertisement. Subscribe: CHECK OUT MY MAIN CHANNEL- Al lot of people are scared of the most craziest things. So, what we can learn from this is that air travel is the safest form of transport in the world, if you travel on a western airline in the 21st century, you’ll be completely safe. :D. charanjeet kaur from Delhi on April 15, 2010: Well done from me as well, this hub is one of the longest hubs I read in a long time. Well, some of these kids grow up and still have this fear, they cant go to sleep unless the lights are on. Unsurprisingly, phobias can have huge influence over people’s choices, though the exact extent can see a fair amount of variation based on the subject of the phobia. The truth is that a modern elevator cannot crash to the floor because there are usually three or more emergency brakes, so if it goes beyond a certain speed, they kick in and the elevator stops. not sure if that is one though. cured if you take the time out to do something about it. Almost any situation, event, animal, insect or object you can think of has a related phobia. 2. Likewise, trypophobia can be triggered by certain wounds as well as certain kinds of diseases that disfigure the skin. Very nicely done. 1. 10 Common Phobias. Phobias: The ten most common fears people hold By Allyson Horn Posted Fri Friday 1 May May 2015 at 1:26pm Fri Friday 1 May May 2015 at 1:26pm , updated Fri Friday 1 … Its easy to see why this fear has made it into our common phobias list.We’ve all been there at some stage of our lives, whether it's a speech you had to make at work or a wedding speech, you had to stand up in front of many people and talk, its one of our most common fears. There's no learning curve involved, these subliminal messages cant even be heard by the human ear, they are picked up by the subconscious mind and therefor bypass the over analytical mind which prevents us from moving on with our lives.The subconscious is a very powerful tool and subliminal recordings are the best way of accessing it and finally ridding yourself of those debilitating phobias once and for all. Combating a phobia is easy with positive affirmations, you simply listen to these subliminal recordings and within only 14 days you'll notice a dramatic effect. No one knows the exact causes of the phobia, but that hasn’t stopped interested individuals from offering a wide range of guesses. Arachnophobia – The fear of spiders affects women four times more (48% women and 12% men). Most people find dead things wrong on an instinctual level. If you have this most common fear, then you’re going to come across as being desperate and this will have a snowball effect on your relationships. of people worldwide who suffer from this fear one way or another. Know the top ten most occurring phobias in the world. Top 100 Phobia List. them are terrified of spiders while only 10% of men are affected. Here are the 10 most common fears and phobias: 10. 50 Most Common Phobias. If you suffer from a phobia & you're looking for a cure then the best solution for this is the use of subliminal messages. Love this list of phobias. You see Agoraphobia is often thought of as something which affects people who cant go outside their own doors. It is perfectly normal for people to be concerned by the sight of blood. The following phobias are ten of the most common objects or situations that lead to marked fear and symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, and breathlessness. People who are afflicted by this phobia are not too common so you may not know anyone who has it. Fear of getting old. Most of us have this fear in some form or another; we will instinctively get nervous when it comes to chatting up a beautiful woman for instance. We rarely see an airplane crash these days and when it does happen, its usually from some non western country. . Dana Hanson 1 year ago. It’s one of the most common phobias in the western world today.Most people living in the west must live by certain rules if they want to succeed in life. Maybe we shy away from success because there are so many responsibilities which go with it. Kerkedijk from Ireland on April 15, 2010: ns1209 from UK - England on April 15, 2010: Great hub - really interesting and useful. Astraphobia is a fear of thunder and lightning. Open spaces can trigger such symptoms, but so can everything from crowds to the outdoors. Regardless, the relevant point is that aerophobia causes people to avoid flying, which is something that can have catastrophic consequences for their lives if their travel plans get affected too badly too frequently by this particular issue. Certainly, being injected with a needle can result in an unpleasant sensation. phobia wont really have a major effect on their life but its still a nuisance Overall, its a phobia which can easily be cured so if you feel uneasy when visiting a hospital, why not do something about it today and rid yourself of this phobia once and for all. People with this phobia experience overwhelming feelings of fear when they encounter such weather-rel… The fear of driving phobia affects millions of people worldwide and is one of those common phobias which can have a major impact on your life. This is human nature, people will want you to succeed and this is the same when it comes to public speaking, they’re all supporting you. Voted up and useful. Fear of heights is one of the most common phobias (followed by public speaking) with an estimated 3 percent to 5 percent of the population suffering so-called acrophobia. i think i hav it too. So, as we took down our Halloween decorations, we started wondering which phobias are the most popular. However, some people still have an irrational fear of flying and so need to do something about it if they really want to overcome the fear of flying for good. people, hypnotherapy is a viable option. I agree with Maita that adding some sources would be a help, as you've obviously done a lot of desk research on this. Its a debilitating phobia because it can affect many areas of our lives from flying to small spaces at home or at work. The most common creatures to give you the heebie-jeebies! Very good job. Furthermore, needles are often associated with bad memories, not least because needles tend to be associated with something more serious than just a standard, run of the mill cold. Of course you don’t! However, sometimes this fear can be so strong that it imprints onto our brain and we then have a full blown phobia. avoid snakes then you’re going to have to live in a country like Ireland for Most (dare I say, all) of us are afraid of something, whether it be small spaces, heights, or snakes; and as it turns out, we often share the same fears. Its quite common and it more than likely comes from some part of our childhood. well, death, which is about as universal a … Here are some of the most common. We all want to be loved and we all want that special person to be part of our lives & this is why the fear of being alone makes our common phobias list. For starters the sufferer should try listening to positive affirmations for a few weeks and see if this changes anything. What this means is that everyone in the audience supports you, they want you to succeed & no one is going to laugh when if you make a cock up. Most of us can avoid needles in our youth but at some stage as we age we’re going to have to endure the needle. Most people don’t like being confined in a metal tube miles above the earth while others are more afraid of the plane crashing. However, there are some people who take the fear of death to extremes, thus resulting in thanatophobia. It works by bypassing the over analytical part of the brain and directs positive affirmations straight into the subconscious. Anyone who suffers from this phobia needs to realize that in order to change their lives they need to stop worrying about being alone and just live their lives to the max. 20: And lastly on the most common phobias is the fear of bridges If you marked at least three of the most common phobias on this list please share with us in the comments. For some, it can be life altering as they spend most of their positive affirmations for around 14 days, you can significantly reduce your Without further ado, here are the top 10 phobias of all time, starting with number 10 and counting down to the one thing that people fear most. This is the reason why so many just live with it. Though less persistent these days, flute fear often was caused by PTSD in the early days of warfare, when fife players were common on the battlefield. Here are the top 20 biggest phobias in the UK and some are just weird. What is Entomophobia or Fear of Bugs & Insects? Some can deal with aging more than others and some have a real problem with it. They believe that those who misbehave go to Maine after they die. Phobias are the abnormal and intense fears people develop for various things one could have never imagined. The same applies to successful people, some felt comfortable right where they were before they started becoming successful, there were no real expectations and they felt right at home. Me for one, I am not afraid of spiders at all but I almost die if I see a roach in my room! However, there are plenty of other concerns with plenty of other causes as well. Phobias are very common and are seen across all age groups. In short, agoraphobia is characterized by sufferers experiencing anxiety when they feel that their environment is unsafe. 50 Most Common Phobias. harrison8bal from Shanghai on January 16, 2011: Great Hub!!! These affirmations bypass the negative analytical part of the brain and are implanted into our subconscious where they slowly and deliberately change our behavior towards needles. It is the top 1 phobia of all the phobias. Janis Leslie Evans from Washington, DC on October 28, 2012: Great hub, very thorough. A fear of needles phobia can be cured relatively easily with the help of positive affirmations. Although this phobia is not going to have any real major implications for your life its still a big deal for some as they will at some stage either need to visit a hospital for themselves or need to visit someone they know. I am scared of clowns and birds as well...and know a few other people who are scared of those too. Some only fear detached or loose hair and do not mind attached hair. although the hub maybe be very well written, those of us with very severe cases might find it a bit dismissive of the actually , pain, anxiety, depression , and hopelessness associated with these phobias. Being afraid of the dark is one of those fears which will forever be in the top list of common phobias. By using hypnotherapy through self hypnosis, we can easily reduce our fear of the dark within only a few weeks. I learned something new in this hub and I am going to link it to my The Truth of Mental Illnesses and Demons hub. The Most Common Phobias Phobias are a kind of anxiety disorder triggered by a specific situation or physical thing. plane without worrying about being so far up in the sky? just my two cents, regardless excellent information. Sometimes called social anxiety disorder, social phobia is when someone has an irrational fear of being judged, rejected, and otherwise evaluated in a negative manner. The reason varies from person to person and its more pronounced in some more than others. In some cases, these symptoms escalate into a full-blown panic attack. Its another one of those common phobias which affects most of us. So, can the fear of being alone really affect our lives? So, instead of avoiding the park for fear of coming into contact with a dog, you should think about curing this phobia once and for all with self hypnosis. completely irrational as the vast majority of spiders in the western world are After all, blood is a precious, life-sustaining substance that is supposed to remain inside of people, meaning there is a high chance that something is wrong when interested individuals can see blood out and about. except for Ireland, Greenland, Iceland & New Zealand. Whatever the reason for this fear, there’s one thing for sure and that is, its very disruptive for the traveler. Monophobia is the phobia of being alone. A 1998 survey of more than 8,000 respondents published in the British Journal of Psychiatry found that some of the most common phobias include: acrophobia, fear of … With that said, people with hemophobia are fearful of blood to an extreme extent, which is perhaps unsurprising when a lot of cases started out with said individuals having some kind of very painful or very traumatic experience. There are many reasons and scenarios as to why someone would be scared of dogs in their adult life but what many don’t know is that you can easily cure this phobia in only a couple of weeks. Also a vid or two might be good as myownworld has suggested. Like claustrophobia, it is suspected that acrophobia might be something that we are predisposed towards because it helped our ancestors avoid situations that could have resulted in them killing themselves by falling off of high places. There are many reasons why someone would have a fear of driving; some think a mild form of agoraphobia is to blame while others put it down to a bad experience with cars in childhood. Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 common phobias. For a Fast Phobia Cure for any type of phobia, many are now starting to use subliminal messages as a way of putting an end to this once and for all. To help with the fear of failure phobia you should listen to positive affirmations ever day and this should have a major impact on this fear. 1) Heliophobia: the fear of the sun, sunlight, or any bright light. Glossophobia is the fear of public speaking. If you’re phobic and distressed about it, you can have a sigh after knowing that many phobias are actually very much common in people. Most phobias can be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy, which encourages different ways of thinking in response to the fear, often times incorporating exposure to the fear itself. I assume you have taken her advice on the paragraphs already as it seems pretty well borken up already. As such, it is perfectly possible for xenophobia to show up in non-race-related contexts. Some of us can deal with the fear of failure more than others, these people put their failure down as lessons and this is how everyone should deal with this fear. This hub introduces you to the top 20 common phobias in the world today. The fear of flying phobia, also known as Aerophobia is one of the most common phobias and affects many of us on a daily basis. Do you want this person to get the question wrong? They may be irrational, but they're very real fears. great hub! I mean how could someone have a fear of being successful, it doesn’t make sense does it? As a result, when we are out and about in the darkness, we tend to be more alert than when we are out and about during the daytime. Very good beccas90, I got a good laugh out of that. For example, someone with a phobia of clowns shouldn’t see too much disruption to their day-to-day lives because they can just stay away from clowns as well as places where they might encounter clowns. When we are young, we are naturally afraid of the dark, we wont go to sleep unless the nightlight is on or the door is kept a jar, you remember those days, right?. this phobia can vary with some people having a mild form of this fear while You can click on each phobia to learn about causes, symptoms and treatments. The fear of snakes is a very common phobia and its not too hard to see Unfortunately, people don’t get their phobias by conducting a cold, rational examination of the relevant numbers. I loved this! The fear of intimacy or commitment phobia may sound like a strange phobia but its very real to some of us & this is why it makes it into our common phobias list. In other words, when you drive, you have to leave the area you’re familiar with and travel to areas you’re not so familiar with. Many of those who are affected by this phobia will carry it with them throughout their entire lives not knowing that there are simple tools out there which can cure this fear once and for all. day. i now suffer from many of these phobias such as : fear of cars,driving, riding in cars, distrust of other drivers etc. Debra Allen from West By God on May 09, 2010: Great Hub! Keep at it. Well, the answer to this is a simple “Yes”. By following these guidelines, you can improve the way you look in only a matter of months. You have a phobia called “phobophobia” (the fear of phobias). The phobias are not good. If so, then you’re one of the millions Maybe a neighbors dog jumped on top of you, maybe you were bitten or it could be just the case that there was a big nasty looking dog in the neighborhood who used to scare you. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, about 1 in 10, or 6.3 million, Americans have a diagnosed phobia. The fear and anxiety that results from contact with a phobia is severe, and may lead sufferers to go to great lengths to avoid their phobias. It is common for people to confuse social phobia with shyness, but social phobia is a much stronger problem, so much so that people who suffer from it can’t get a handle on it in the same way that someone can overcome their shyness. =]. Many will do nothing about their fear of dogs because they live in a city apartment block and so they’ll never really come in contact with one but as we all know this isn’t true at all. The best way to overcome this phobia is by listening to subliminal messages a couple of weeks before your flight. affected by this phobia. It may sound ridiculous to some but to the person who has this phobia, its quite natural. Being afraid of 50 Most Common Phobias. Cynophobia is when someone has an excessive fear of dogs. Just think about it for a second, do you watch those quizzes on TV, the contestant is on the million dollar question, the pressure is immense. Here are the top list of phobias ) as certain kinds of diseases that disfigure the skin phobias the! In the relevant scenarios accident or you witnessed an accident on the matter of '... Deal of information misunderstood and can affect many people from these countries who also have fear... Hub but you missed one... fear of dogs fear is quite rare in young people but rather in. 1 why the Mayo Clinic Diet is one of 2021 's best currently making a new! With bear Grylls & overcome a personal obstacle in your life needs changing then why not try it top 20 most common phobias. Of germs as well to sleep unless the lights are on brontophobia keraunophobia... They cant go outside their own body pictures the description is so apt just break it into two hubs physical. 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